A Conversation With Christina Crawford
Christina Crawford |
It Is What It Is
Mommie Dearest Inc. in association with producer Jerry Rosenberg presents the New York premiere of A Conversation With Christina Crawford: Live and Onstage in Surviving Mommie Dearest, starring Christina Crawford — actress, activist and author of the 1978 best-selling autobiographical book Mommie Dearest — May 8-12 at the Snapple Theater Center in New York City.
It covers one hundred years of entertainment and show business history, but also issues of social justice. The documentary is based on three of Christina's best-selling books, Mommie Dearest, Survivor, and No Safe Place.
This past week, I was invited to attend a preview performance.
It is a hybrid of a documentary putting
the pieces of the puzzle of Christina’s life together.
The documentary film won the 2012 Silver Screen Award at the Nevada Film Festival and it was the official selection of the 2012 Jacksonville Film Festival.
The documentary features long forgotten home movies and historical photos of both Joan and Christina Crawford. Throughout her long career, Ms. Crawford has turned the issue of family violence into public awareness. She also offers hope and the healing process through her personal experiences. The documentary was written by Christina Crawford, and directed by Ms. Crawford, and Jacksonville native, Jerry Rosenberg. Portions were filmed at the The Metro Entertainment Complex, in Jacksonville, FL.
What questions are not
answered by the film are answered by Christina in the latter part of the show
in which she takes questions from the audience.
She covers her spiritual
journey and her childhood with equal aplomb. For most of us in attendance, we
were already familiar with most of her journey.
It unfolds in a matter of fact
way that makes it feel as if we were hearing it for the first time.
Christina is happy with this project. It is something that
is fluid. It can always change and alter. They have changed and altered it on
its way to New York. They have played Orlando, Jacksonville, and Las Vegas.
Those audiences have shaped the show I saw last week.
The audiences are made up
of all demographics. Christina is constantly astonished by a “new” question
that she is presented with all these years. It is the audience that changes.
The film shown stays the same.
The film does have a lot of humor which
audiences may not be expecting based on preconceived ideas of the evening that
The humor is dark humor. This is not a sad story because it does not
have a sad ending. It is a story of great emotional ups and downs but it is not
a sad story.
The anticipation of some people is that they are coming to see a
It is not a comedy either. What they are seeing is a “process”. It is
about evolving and growing and becoming a whole person.
That is a goal of many
sitting in the audience. The audience is intentionally very much a part of the
presentation. There are some questions that Christina doesn’t have the answers
to because she doesn’t have the information. Those questions are usually about
Joan Crawford and not about Christina or the film they’ve just seen. When
questions are about things that did not directly involve her, she can’t answer
those questions. Some questions are also about people she never interacted
with. Obviously, she can’t answer those questions. She has had to say
sometimes, “That’s a great question but I don’t know the answer.”
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Playbill.com |
She tries to keep the Q and A within the confines of the
evening that has just unfolded.
This is something that she and the audience at
hand have experienced together.
There are also questions as to why now and how
did this come about.
The Q and A portion is Christina’s favorite part of the
evening. Prior to this, she has done a lot of public speaking.
Those instances
have almost always been about very serious topics.
These take place at
conventions and the like. This is much more free form. I’ve seen the show and
therefore I KNOW that there are no planted questions and that portion of the
evening is not scripted. It is all spontaneous and it is real. That is
something that people yearn for and almost never get in these types of
situations. There is a scripted portion which lends itself to ad libbing when warranted.
Christina has to be focused, grounded, centered, and rested
in order to do each presentation. She cannot be stressed out or argumentative
with anyone. There is no one else on stage with her. It’s all her energy and if
she doesn’t have that focused energy, it won’t work. She also has to make that
connection with the audience right away.
When she first steps out on stage for each presentation, she
is so focused on what she is doing that she has no other thoughts.
She just
desires to remember her lines! She normally doesn’t focus on individuals but the
audience as a whole. That is not so easy to do at the Snapple Theater. The
audience is so close to the stage and she can see their faces. In a larger
theater, especially when one is doing a play, most actors do not desire to see
The focus has to be on the play. This is a different kind of theater.
She is speaking directly to the audience. Again, that focus is a laser focus. Everyone
loses that focus from time to time but preparation reduces the chances of that
Christina and Richard Skipper |
As of this interview, there have been no reviews per se. They
are now, as is this, blogs. It is not the old kind of reviews that she would
have received if this evening was being presented twenty-five years ago like
Clive Barnes used to do.
They are more people oriented blog reviews but they’ve
all been wonderful and all involved feel very good about that.
Everyone hopes
for that.
I was also given the opportunity to sit down and talk with
Christina yesterday.
In keeping with previous profiles, I am here to celebrate
Christina’s body of “worth”. This blog is NOT about Joan Crawford or Mommie Dearest, the movie, which is NOT
Christina’s story.
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Go back and read the book, which has never been out of print
since it was published in 1978 or, better yet, get to the Snapple Theater in
NYC to get up and close with Christina. At the end of the evening, if you still
have questions, she will gladly answer them for you.
She has a wonderful friend, and subsequent producer, Jerry
Rosenberg and they started talking about this evening of theater and they both
decided to just try it.
Christina had done her television show. She obviously
had been a writer for thirty years. They just decided to go step by step.
Honestly, it was like putting together this giant unwieldy jigsaw puzzle taking
bits and pieces and photographs and interviews and a lifetime of memories.
Like Liza Minnelli, also from Hollywood royalty, Christina
came to New York to be a stage actress instead of staying in tinsletown. Liza
made her debut as a toddler at the end of In the Good Old Summertime as the
daughter of Judy Garland and Van Johnson.
Christina had a less auspicious
beginning. She made her debut when she was a very young child in Hansel and Gretel with her Brownie
She was eight years old and Annie Get Your Gun.
because she was one of the taller girls, she
was given the part of the mother. She forgot ALL of her lines. The reason, as
she explains in the documentary, that she desired to come to be in the theater
was because of the wonderful shows she saw as a child. She was mesmerized by
the theater. The very first show she remembers seeing is Ethel Merman in
The truth of the matter is that Christina was trained to be
an actress from the time she was a little girl. She was given scripts of what
to say to reporters. She was told how to ask questions, how to sit, how to act,
what to do, what lines to say. Nothing was spontaneous as far as public
appearances were concerned even if those were in the house. She thinks she was
trained to be an actress from the time she was when she was a child.
Her career as an “actress” was short lived and she misses
nothing about that part of her life. She left the business to go back to
college and change her life and she got a Master’s Degree in communication
management and went into the corporate world which is a different kind of show
business. It is a very hard show business. She doesn’t miss show business
because it is so disrespectful to women, something that many people do not
She got sick and tired of it. She realizes that it is very hard on
many people. There were no parts for a woman over thirty-five.
It was very
disrespectful what she went through to get work. She loved the work.
She hated
the process.
I asked Christina what she thought the biggest misconception
is about her. She doesn’t know. She hears about it when questions are posed to
her and they are completely misinformed.
That’s the only way she knows about
Christina is a courageous woman. This is HER story. It is
not Joan Crawford’s. When Christina put pen to paper the first time for Mommie
Dearest, these kinds of books were not being written…by anyone.
The advice that Christina would give to anyone desiring to
tell their story is to sit down and be quiet and think about the consequences.
There are going to be positive ones and negative ones. Unless you are able to
deal with the negative ones and not think you’ve done something wrong if you
are telling the truth, you shouldn’t do it until you come to that place in your
life because what you don’t want is for it to be so overwhelming that you kind
of run away.
The final result of Mommie
Dearest was what Christina desired it to be but nobody knew that it was
going to be a success. What they thought was the genre of the “Hollywood book”
or the autobiography of stage or screen personalities was such a tiny piece of
the publishing market. The publishers thought they would have a little success
in that tiny piece of the market. Otherwise, they would not have paid her for
the book. It went so far beyond that so fast because it wasn’t about “Hollywood.”
The way that Christina is perceived in the world is
different for people due to different walks of life, age. She has received thousands
of letters over the years from people that say that the book of Mommie Dearest has saved their lives and
that Christina is the first person who understood, etc. Christina still gets
those kinds of letters today. Christina now owns a small publishing company and
she distributes the book herself. She markets the book through Amazon. She also
regularly gets letters through Amazon telling her the same thing. Even today, thirty
years later, she is still getting these letters. Thank God, those are the ones
that keep giving Christina hope. It shows her that good is still being done.
THAT is the intent of the book.
This book opened the door for so many others to be brake and
tell their TRUTH. Nobody planned that. It was totally spontaneous. It was like
stepping into a hurricane.
Obviously, the publishing world has changed tremendously
since Mommie Dearest was first
published. As stated earlier, Christina is now her own publisher. She has
published the two subsequent editions of Mommie
Dearest, both the twentieth and thirtieth anniversary of each.
The original
Mommie Dearest was William Morrow as
was her second book, Black Widow. Survivor was published by Donald Fine. No Safe Place was Station Hill Press.
Since then, she has gotten the rights back to her books.
Most people don’t go that route even today. It all depends
on how much effort they desire to put into marketing or handling their own
accounts or where they choose to sell.
Christina doesn’t sell in bookstores.
There are hardly any bookstores left! In the last ten years, she doesn’t know
the exact statistics, independent or self publishing has become the fastest
growing segment of the publishing industry. It used to be called vanity
publishing, not as a name, but rather as an outlet.
Now, it is “Good for you if
you can do it.” In the old days, the publishers did all the work but they also
took all the money.
Although it is a lot of work, it gets easier as one gets
more proficient at it.
Christina has also published her book on women’s history
called Daughters of the Inquisition. Mommie Dearest is an ongoing continuum.
One really can’t compare it with the other books in terms of “success”. One
defines success in different ways. When it comes to numbers and copies, you can’t
compare it with the others. It is impossible for Christina, as an individual to
produce that kind of volume.
When Mommie Dearest
went out of print, for a brief moment, Christina got the rights back. She has
been publishing it ever since, fifteen years.
Most publishers don’t pay fairly. Although, Christina had
never done publishing before, she knew by the errors in her royalty statements.
She always had questions which they did not take favorably to. It got tiresome.
She felt taken advantage of and she didn’t like that. She decided to stop
complaining and to do something about it. She turned it into a positive.
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A publicity shot of Christina Crawford in 1961, at the age of 22 years old, for her first film "Wild in the Country" starring Elvis Presley. (Source: http://www.legendaryjoancrawford.com) |
I asked Christina what her greatest virtue and biggest vice
are. Her biggest vice USED to be that she had no patience. That has changed by
living in the country. She lives on the outskirts of Coeur D’Alene, Idaho. She
has learned the very hard lesson of patience. The flip side of that and one of
her greatest strengths is the ability to persevere. And she has! It takes a
tremendous amount of courage but she doesn’t think about that in those terms.
She thinks about it in terms of the fact that it is her life and she has an obligation
to do the very best she can and she tries to do that every day.
She is an avid television viewer and is a news junkie. Fortunately,
due to local satellite disks, she gets international news from two or three
different sources.
She may be way out in the country, but she is still very
well informed.
She has a wonderful Australian Kelpie for companionship, a
gorgeous little girl. She also has three cats, two of them she chose and one of
them adopted Christina. It was an abandoned cat. She used to have horses, but
no more. It gets too hard to take care of them and they need to be ridden. She
just can’t do that anymore. She no longer has farm animals but she used to have
chickens that she loved although she didn’t love the rooster. One day the
rooster took all the chickens and they didn’t come back! She was so mad at him
but that’s life! She is happy with her four legged companions.
The next question comes from Michael Feinstein. Does
Christina believe in reincarnation and the answer is yes.
Christina’s journey has been an ongoing process and she has
learned as she has grown. She had to be brutally honest with herself and in
many cases she had to step aside from her comfort zone to learn and to grow.
The ONLY support system Christina had when she was in
Hollywood was her boarding school. She truly was never a part of Hollywood. No
one needed to tell Christina they were aware of what was going on. She knew.
There were a lot of people who said they didn’t know when they did.
Mommie Dearest,
the movie, undermined Christina’s story. The book was written from the point of
view of the child. The movie was written from the point of view of a deranged
Christina has no presupposition of how she would like to be
remembered. She has tried her very best at everything she has ever done. That’s
all anyone can do in this world.
Performances of Surviving Mommie Dearest are May 8-9 at 8 PM, May 10-11 at 5 PM and May 12 at noon.
The Snapple Theater Center is located at 1627 Broadway/210 W. 50th Street (near the corner of 50th Street and Broadway). For tickets, call (212) 921-7862. For more information, visit SurvivingMommieDearest.Wordpress.com .
Thank you Christina Crawford for the gifts you have given to the world and will continue to give!
With grateful XOXOXs ,

Check out my site celebrating my forthcoming book on Hello, Dolly!
I want this to be a definitive account of Hello, Dolly! If any of you reading this have appeared in any production of Dolly, I'm interested in speaking with YOU!
If you have anything to add or share, please contact me at Richard@RichardSkipper.com.
This Blog is dedicated to ALL THE DOLLYS and ANYONE who has EVER had a connection with ANY of them on ANY Level!
Performances of Surviving Mommie Dearest are May 8-9 at 8 PM, May 10-11 at 5 PM and May 12 at noon.
The Snapple Theater Center is located at 1627 Broadway/210 W. 50th Street (near the corner of 50th Street and Broadway). For tickets, call (212) 921-7862. For more information, visit SurvivingMommieDearest.Wordpress.com .
Thank you Christina Crawford for the gifts you have given to the world and will continue to give!
With grateful XOXOXs ,

Check out my site celebrating my forthcoming book on Hello, Dolly!
I want this to be a definitive account of Hello, Dolly! If any of you reading this have appeared in any production of Dolly, I'm interested in speaking with YOU!
If you have anything to add or share, please contact me at Richard@RichardSkipper.com.
“When it comes to the history of
Jerry Herman’s brilliant production, beyond the 5000+ performances of my own,
even I turn to Richard Skipper when I have questions about the remarkable
ladies who followed me in the role that the world fell in love with over 50
years ago.”-Carol Channing
My next blog will be...My exclusive interview with Director David Armstrong on Hello, Dolly! (He directed Mimi Hines AND Jenifer Lewis as Dolly)
Thank you, to all the mentioned in this blog!
Thank you, to all the mentioned in this blog!
Richard Skipper, Richard@RichardSkipper.com
This Blog is dedicated to ALL THE DOLLYS and ANYONE who has EVER had a connection with ANY of them on ANY Level!
Christina is a survivor!
ReplyDeleteChristina is awesome great job