Did Donald Trump Make America Greater Over The Past Year?

I don't measure a man's success by how high he climbs, but how high he bounces when he hits bottom. - George Patton
Happy Thursday, November 17th, 2016!
November 17 is the 322nd day of the year. There are 44 days remaining until the end of the year.
Oy and vey as my dear friend Dana Lorge used to say! Where does the time go to? I say this every year. One week from today is Thanksgiving. We DO have a lot to be thankful for despite all the anger in the world.
21 days till my next show. Details below. 38 Days till Christmas!
154 days till Bette Midler's opening night in Hello, Dolly! THAT'S what I'm looking for.
Every year at this time, the countdown lists start.

When did we wake up so sensitive? I'm not one to hurt others or be hurt, but really, what you think of me is none of my business.
Donald Trump has announced that white supremacist and anti-Semite Stephen Bannon will be a senior adviser in the White House.
The Daily Beast has an explosive piece asking whether Trump campaign CEO Bannon was illegally paid by a pro-Trump Super PAC during the campaign. On the face of it, that would seem to be about as blatant a violation of the rules against coordination between Super PACs and
campaigns as could possibly be imagined.
President-elect Trump boasted in January of this year that support for his presidential campaign would not decline even if he shot someone in the middle of a crowded street.
"I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters." That statement proved to be correct based on the rhetoric we have heard over the past twelve months.
During the last five months, WikiLeaks began a slow and steady leak of emails stolen from Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta's gmail account. "There shouldn't be any doubts in anybody's mind: This was not something that was done casually, this was not
something that was done by chance, this was not a target that was selected purely arbitrarily," Michael S. Rogers, the director of the National Security Agency, has spoken out to leave us in no doubt: it was a deliberate attempt by a nation-state to interfere with the election. And that is something we should really worry about.
Here is my own list of Trump on the 17th of each month this year 'making America great again'. This is for all of those who voted for him and those of you who didn't vote at all.
On January 17th of this year: Donald Trump Ramps up Attacks on Ted Cruz, Says 'He's a Nasty Guy'. He would go on to denigrate Cruz's wife and say that Cruz's father was involved in the John F. Kennedy assassination.

February 17, 2016: GOP Presidential candidate Donald Trump held a campaign event in Walterboro, SC and was endorsed by Lowcountry Sportsmen.These moments make me ashamed of my homestate. Pay attention to the LIES! Watch HERE.
March 17th, 2016: Hannity speaks to Rudy Giuliani about Donald Trump and the Republican Presidential Race on March 17.
Bullies stick together. Watch THIS.
April 17th, 2016: Minority schoolchildren are being bullied, called “ISIS” and “terrorist,” and fear being deported – even if they’re not immigrants – according to a teacher survey conducted by the Southern Poverty Law Center gauging how the 2016 presidential election is affecting America’s schools. Read MORE
May 17th, 2016: FULL INTERVIEW Donald Trump Megyn Kelly Presents May 17, 2016 Fox Click HERE
June 17th, 2016: Nearly 30 pro-choice male legislators and political candidates joined NARAL in signing an open letter condemning Donald Trump’s misogyny, saying they will not vote for him this fall. The letter came in time for Father’s Day, urging fathers, sons, husbands, and brothers to take a stand against Trump and sign the petition. See MORE.
July 17th, 2016: Trump Goes on Tweetstorm Against Clinton, ‘Pocahontas’ Warren, and CNN.
August 17th, 2016: Donald Trump has labelled Hillary Clinton a bigot and accused his Democratic rival of pandering to “communities of color.” The speech in Wisconsin was Trump’s most concerted campaign outreach to African-Americans to date, even if there were very few in attendance. With racial tensions high in the country, Trump aimed his pitch at African-Americans by honing his message of “law and order.
September 17th, 2016: Donald Trump again suggests Clinton's Secret Service bodyguards disarm: 'Let's see what happens'.
October 17th, 2016: Trump continues to claim the election has been rigged, alleging the media is conspiring with Hillary Clinton to defeat him.
Donald Trump: "You see what’s happening. The process is rigged. This whole election is being rigged. These lies spread by the media, without witnesses, without backup or anything else, are
poisoning the minds of the electorate. No witnesses, no backup, no anything else."
TODAY: November 17th: 2016: Jeff Sessions Appears Headed to a Trump Cabinet Position. Don't know who he is? He is the first US senator to endorse Trump and has been one of the President-elect's top supporters so it's no surprise that he is being considered as a potential Cabinet member -- defense secretary or attorney general.
Old allegations of racism are sure to haunt him.
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Kiss a more United States goodbye |
It was 30 years ago that Sessions was denied a federal judgeship. At the time, he was a 39-year-old US attorney in Alabama.
The Senate Judiciary Committee heard testimony during hearings in March and May 1986, that Sessions had made racist remarks and called the NAACP and ACLU "un-American."
I wanted to share the following posts and tweets with you that have shown up in my feed today. THIS is the world we live in folks!
With the election finally over and in spite of the results, I can’t help but breathe a sigh of relief. Friends, it has been a hard year, and it continues to be hard, with vandalism and protests replacing a hate-filled campaign. As I mentioned in my last blog post, I’m determined to remain civil on social media. It is so very important to me that we move on from this
election, that we heal and stay positive. We have four PhDs in vitriol already!
And listen, I’m no Pollyanna. I’m not looking at the world through rose-colored glasses or any such thing. It would be impossible for me to not have seen too much, reaching the age I’m at and having lived the life I’ve lived. I’ve been a protestor in my life, and I’m going to be honest: protesting doesn’t always accomplish something. It simply doesn’t serve us to automatically look at the glass half-empty, especially with so much crisis in the world already!
I don’t think Trump is going to go near the social issues. We’re seeing evidence of this in his interviews already. And you know what? Not everything he says is wrong. A lot, yes, But not all. If I had run my business the way the government has run all these years, I’d have been underwater decades ago. We seem to have ignored the fact that there are many working poor in this country, something I witnessed traveling the US all the way back in the 1960’s, and given the election results it is clear that this has only gotten worse. We are a wealthy country, yet we give so much of it away without helping our own. So many working class people are struggling, feel forgotten, and are willing to elect someone with a horribly checkered past in the hopes that he can stop the cycle.
I sincerely hope that we can come together to work through our differences, because we desperately need healing in this great country of ours. Not everyone will be able to meet halfway, but we all need to try, no matter what our station is in life. I’m reminded of something I used to tell folks as a mood disorders facilitator: We’re all in this boat together and everyone has to bail. We can’t all bail at the same rate, but everyone needs to keep themselves strong and do their part.
That goes for us as individuals, and also as a nation.
- Paul Craffey
Website: www.paulcraffey.com
From ME:
I watched Megyn Kelly on The View this morning. #stopthebullying
My take away is that she was harassed and bullied for the past year by the man that some (not most) just voted into the highest office in the land. He has surrounded himself by a team of bullies. To those of you who actually voted for Donald J. Trump, my question to you is do you actually/feel that they are justified in their actions? As someone said last night, we need to stop referring to his main base as the alt-right. They are white supremacists. Period. Thank you Megyn for putting a face on bullying. She was also threatened by Michael Cohens and Corey Lewandowski.
Attention New Yorkers: PICK! UP! THE! PHONE!!!
Senator Kirsten Gillibrand's office is taking a concerned citizens' tally so she can use it on the floor against the appointment of white supremacist
Steve Bannon as chief strategist to the former host of the Celebrity Apprentice.
Don't email, don't post on Facebook...to really be heard you must CALL! The phones are ringing, but I got through on my second try.
I sincerely hope that we can come together to work through our differences, because we desperately need healing in this great country of ours. Not everyone will be able to meet halfway, but we all need to try, no matter what our station is in life. I’m reminded of something I used to tell folks as a mood disorders facilitator: We’re all in this boat together and everyone has to bail. We can’t all bail at the same rate, but everyone needs to keep themselves strong and do their part.
That goes for us as individuals, and also as a nation.
- Paul Craffey
Website: www.paulcraffey.com
From ME:
I watched Megyn Kelly on The View this morning. #stopthebullying
My take away is that she was harassed and bullied for the past year by the man that some (not most) just voted into the highest office in the land. He has surrounded himself by a team of bullies. To those of you who actually voted for Donald J. Trump, my question to you is do you actually/feel that they are justified in their actions? As someone said last night, we need to stop referring to his main base as the alt-right. They are white supremacists. Period. Thank you Megyn for putting a face on bullying. She was also threatened by Michael Cohens and Corey Lewandowski.
Attention New Yorkers: PICK! UP! THE! PHONE!!!
Senator Kirsten Gillibrand's office is taking a concerned citizens' tally so she can use it on the floor against the appointment of white supremacist
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This Is What White Supremacy Looks Like |
Don't email, don't post on Facebook...to really be heard you must CALL! The phones are ringing, but I got through on my second try.
What a simple thing you can do TODAY:
Hudson Valley: (845) 875-4585
Albany: (518) 431-0120
Buffalo: (716) 854-9725
Long Island: (631) 249-2825
North Country: (315) 376-6118
Rochester: (585) 263-6250
Syracuse: (315) 448-0470
New York City: (212) 688-6262
Please tell Senator Gillibrand that you do not support the appointment of Steve Bannon.
Another friend posted: Just letting everyone know that I need to take a breather from FaceBook. I'm too stressed out from it, and the fact that no one is stopping the "hate" on both sides.It's time to stop the dance.
And an email from a friend:
Hi All,
Hudson Valley: (845) 875-4585
Albany: (518) 431-0120
Buffalo: (716) 854-9725
Long Island: (631) 249-2825
North Country: (315) 376-6118
Rochester: (585) 263-6250
Syracuse: (315) 448-0470
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Part of our barbaric bullying culture |
Please tell Senator Gillibrand that you do not support the appointment of Steve Bannon.
Another friend posted: Just letting everyone know that I need to take a breather from FaceBook. I'm too stressed out from it, and the fact that no one is stopping the "hate" on both sides.It's time to stop the dance.
And an email from a friend:
Hi All,
I know we are all bereft with sadness over the recent election results. Not only is it terrifying (ALREADY) to think of Trump in office,
but truth be told Hillary won the popular vote, and I do believe that the system was rigged by "foreign" powers to get him in office,
so they could play him as a puppet.
In any case, he may have "won" (not legally I believe) the election, but he doesn't own our voice. We have a shot to make a noise,
to let our voice heard, to not feel helpless.
While it's a different issue, I remember not long ago in the health food community where they wanted to pass a law that genetically modified food wouldn't have to be labeled as such. They were hoping we'd go away and not make a fuss. It was something like
within a week there was a petition of close to a half of a million people saying NOT OK. NOT NOW. NOT EVER. They pulled that law immediately. It reminded me what I know to be true, when people collectively say NOT OK. NOT NOW. NOT EVER it sends a strong message.
We're 95% there, (in terms of numbers of those signing the petition) let's make it happen
Please Click HERE.
Do not settle for less than an extraordinary life.
The Law of Attraction states that like attracts like, so when you’re grateful for what you already have, you will naturally attract more for which you can be grateful. However, many people find that it requires great diligence to cultivate a persistent attitude of appreciation.
It’s important that we don’t lose hope. It’s okay to cry and mourn and hug our loved ones closer. But the worst thing people of good conscience can do is become “lost in the wilderness” while the radical right runs roughshod over everything we believe in. So yes, we should mourn. And think about what went wrong. And how we can do better next time. But we have to keep our hope alive, always. And never, ever give up.
As a friend of mine posted on Facebook today, anyone who didn't vote forfeits the right to complain for the next four years. No whining for them!
As you can see, we have a LOT to be concerned about.
In the meantime, let's all agree to celebratepride in each other AND our differences.
Thank you, to all mentioned in this blog for the gifts you have given to the world and continue to give!
With grateful XOXOXs from YOUR pro-active friend,
Check out my site celebrating the legacy of Call on Dolly: From Carol to Bette!
If you have any questions/comments/suggestions, please share with me
Keeping Entertainment LIVE!
Do not settle for less than an extraordinary life.
The Law of Attraction states that like attracts like, so when you’re grateful for what you already have, you will naturally attract more for which you can be grateful. However, many people find that it requires great diligence to cultivate a persistent attitude of appreciation.
It’s important that we don’t lose hope. It’s okay to cry and mourn and hug our loved ones closer. But the worst thing people of good conscience can do is become “lost in the wilderness” while the radical right runs roughshod over everything we believe in. So yes, we should mourn. And think about what went wrong. And how we can do better next time. But we have to keep our hope alive, always. And never, ever give up.
As a friend of mine posted on Facebook today, anyone who didn't vote forfeits the right to complain for the next four years. No whining for them!
As you can see, we have a LOT to be concerned about.
In the meantime, let's all agree to celebratepride in each other AND our differences.
Please send your suggestions for future blogs to Richard@RichardSkipper.com
Thank you, to all mentioned in this blog for the gifts you have given to the world and continue to give!
With grateful XOXOXs from YOUR pro-active friend,
Check out my site celebrating the legacy of Call on Dolly: From Carol to Bette!
Please do what YOU can to be more aware that words and actions DO HURT...but they can also heal and help!
Richard Skipper Celebrates...December 9th 7PM at the Triad. featured guests will INCLUDE Kevin Dozier, Peggy Eason, Eddie Korbich, Marieann Meringolo Lisa Viggiano...AND A Mystery Guest*! Bryon Sommers, Musical Director with Jeff Carney on bass and Rex Benincasa on percussion.
Richard Skipper Celebrates: A Talk/Variety Show encouraging us to celebrate each and every day and the hidden gems therein. Did you know A Charlie Brown Christmas Debuted in 1965...Buck Henry, Margaret Hamilton, Dalton Trumbo, Douglas Fairbanks Jr were all born on December 9th? Wear Purple! The Ruling Color Of The Day and The Color of Royalty! Tickets are $30.00 plus a two drink minimum. Reservations a MUST! Call 888 596-1027 to purchase tickets or YOU can also do it on THEIR website. http://www.triadnyc.com/buy-tickets
*Previous Mystery Guests have included Hillary Kole, Melba Moore, and Stacy Sullivan
Boy Do we Need it NOW!
Richard Skipper Celebrates...December 9th 7PM at the Triad. featured guests will INCLUDE Kevin Dozier, Peggy Eason, Eddie Korbich, Marieann Meringolo Lisa Viggiano...AND A Mystery Guest*! Bryon Sommers, Musical Director with Jeff Carney on bass and Rex Benincasa on percussion.
Richard Skipper Celebrates: A Talk/Variety Show encouraging us to celebrate each and every day and the hidden gems therein. Did you know A Charlie Brown Christmas Debuted in 1965...Buck Henry, Margaret Hamilton, Dalton Trumbo, Douglas Fairbanks Jr were all born on December 9th? Wear Purple! The Ruling Color Of The Day and The Color of Royalty! Tickets are $30.00 plus a two drink minimum. Reservations a MUST! Call 888 596-1027 to purchase tickets or YOU can also do it on THEIR website. http://www.triadnyc.com/buy-tickets
*Previous Mystery Guests have included Hillary Kole, Melba Moore, and Stacy Sullivan
Boy Do we Need it NOW!
Here's to an INCREDIBLE tomorrow for ALL...with NO challenges!
Please leave a comment and share on Twitter and Facebook
Countdown to Bette Midler's Opening Night in Dolly:
154 Days! Today, I celebrate Ruth Gordon (Her success as The Matchmaker led the powers that be to Hello, Dolly!)
Keeping Entertainment LIVE!
Richard Skipper, Richard@RichardSkipper.com
So happy whenever Im notified that another Richard Skipper blogpost is available for reading. For me, the secret to surviving through trying times is to always be grateful for what I do have. I have faith that all will work out. I would never say to another "get over it" as I have heard so often during the last week...But for me? I am planning to live in a relationship with God and myself and my friends and family where I celebrate gratitude and where I pray I can listen and learn from differences. Often we here "celebrate diversity" In the truest meaning of that all encompassing term, I will be respectful toward ALL......but I will call our leaders out on their crap if it seems appropriate. Any leader from any party from either side of the aisle.